Mercoledì 27 Novembre 2024
U. Villante Presidente SWICo
T. Valente Presidente Agenzia Spaziale Italiana (ASI)
R. Ragazzoni Presidente Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica (INAF)
M.C. Facchini Istituto di Scienze dell’Atmosfera e del Clima, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR)
F. Buongiorno Coordinatrice Centro di Osservazioni Spaziali della Terra, Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV)
10:30 V. Penza Solar irradiance reconstruction in the last millenium and predictions for the near future
10:42 P. De Michelis Tempeste Solari e Rischi Geoelettrici: Il Progetto MARGE in Italia Centrale
10:54 P.P. Di Bartolomeo Characterization of a possible magnetic switchback at BepiColombo and effect on the inertial range of turbulence
11:06 L. Spogli The effects of the May 2024 Mother’s Day superstorm over the Mediterranean sector: from data to public communication
11:18 M. Lacal Modeling magnetic storms’ dynamics with physics-informed neural networks
11:30 E. De Angelis SWEATERS-Space WEATher Ena Radiation Sensors: new phase B approaching innovative instrument for ENA monitoring
Coffee Break
12:15 A. Pellizzoni Space Weather science and services through solar monitoring and imaging at high radio frequencies: recent results and future challenges
12:27 E. Perracchione Machine learning methods to predict geomagnetic disturbances and identify the most predictive features via greedy schemes
12:39 R. Reda Cross-scale phase relationship of solar activity with solar wind parameters: a Space Climate focus
12:51 M. Piersanti On the geoelectric field response to the SSC of the May 2024 super storm over Europe
13:03 F.M. Marcucci The ESA M7 candidate mission Plasma Observatory
14:48 L. Giovannelli GATES: A network for synoptic Space Weather observations
15:00 L. Alfonsi/M. Laurenza La partecipazione italiana allo SCOSTEP
15:12 D. Pelosi An effective and predictive model for the long-term Variations of cosmic rays in the heliosphere
15:24 G. D’Angelo A case study of PC1 waves observed in the polar cap associated with proton precipitation at subauroral latitudes
15:36 S. Chierichini CME arrival modelling with machine learning
15:48 I. Ermolli Ca II K brightness as a function of magnetic field strength and characteristics of the observations
16:00 P. Pagano A 3D MHD model for Metis CMEs
16:12 A. Volpara Regularized imaging-spectroscopy from STIX data
16:24 V. Mangano Ground based observation on Mercury exosphere during BepiColombo swingbys: relation with IMF conditions
16:36 M. Piana The acceleration rate in hard X-ray solar flares
Conclusione lavori prima giornata
Giovedì 28 Novembre 2024
Assemblea Generale e Candidature per il rinnovo degli organi statutari – Prima parte
Apertura Votazioni
- N. Burzillà Characterisation of Forbush decreases using AMS and PAMELA space-borne experiments proton data
- S. Benella Reconstruction of proton spectra and anisotropy of the November 3, 2021 Forbush decrease from ground-based observations
- G. Carnevale On the correspondence of Alfvénic and compressional waves in the Solar Wind high-speed streams with the geomagnetic activity at high latitudes in the Ultra Low-Frequency range
- A. Parmentier/P. Diego Supporto tecnologico alla comunità SWICo
- R. Ghidoni Ionospheric multiscale response to a minor geomagnetic storm: The case of the 14-15 January 2022 storm
- F. Giorgi IBIS-A How to use IBIS spectropolarimetric data archive to advance our understanding of Space Weather
- D. Telloni Alfvénicity-related Long Recovery Phases of Geomagnetic Storms: A Space Weather Perspective
Conferimento Premio Franco Mariani
12:17 A. Pignalberi Ionospheric Nowcasting Over Italy Through Data Assimilation: A Synergy Between IRI UP and IONORING
12:29 M. Stumpo Characterization of the March 28th 2022 SEP Event through the alignment between BepiColombo and STEREO-A and multipoint observations
12:41 M. Battisti Correlation between short light transient (STL) events observed with the Mini-EUSO detector and TLEs
12:53 S. Mulas Probing magnetic fields and variable spectra of the active regions in the chromosphere though high-frequency radio imaging as a tool for flare forecast
13:05 L. Contarino Interaction between active regions and implications in the increase of solar flare frequency
14:48 D. Del Moro The ASPIS prototype: the database, the web app, and the Python package
15:00 S. Guglielmino High-resolution observations of the solar atmosphere
15:12 D. Recchiuti Automatic detection of whistler waves in the top-side ionosphere
15:24 S. Benella Plasma Observatory: additional scientific targets and relevance for Space Weather
15:36 S. Guastavino AIxtreme: physics-driven artificial intelligence to predict geo-effective events
15:48 R. Mugatwala A catalog of CME-ICME lineup events
16:00 C. Abbattista Il primo nanosatellite ESA per lo Space Weather
- M. Laurenza The CAESAR project: goals, organization, and final results
- L. Lucaferri Solar irradiance grand minima and related impacts on Earth's atmosphere and climate
- M. Murabito Waves reflection linked with FIP bias
- E. Pica The eSWua system at INGV: an ICT infrastructure for monitoring the upper atmosphere
- V. Ventriglia An explainable machine learning model for large-scale travelling ionospheric disturbances forecasting
- K. Sant IBIS 2.0: Project status and future steps
- A. Marassi Study of the Correlation between the Solar Activity and the Geomagnetically Induced Currents in Gas Pipelines Systems
Chiusura votazioni
Conclusione lavori seconda giornata
Venerdì 29 Novembre 2024
9:00 F. Marchetti Dealing with imbalanced datasets in operational solar flare forecasting via score-oriented losses and value-weighted skill scores
9:12 G. Consolini La IAGA-Italia: Opportunità e attività per la comunità Italiana di Space Weather
9:24 J. Tian Time Variation of Cosmic Nuclei Fluxes over a Solar Cycle
9:36 F. Guarnaccia/R. Crapolicchio Solar radio burst detection from ESA SMOS mission
9:48 R. Forte ESA Swarm mission: new opportunities for Space Weather applications through enhanced processors and data quality
10:00 L. Casara/F. Berrilli Sun cubE onE (SEE): a CubeSat Mission for High-Energy Solar Observations
10:12 S. Fabiani The CUbesat Solar Polarimeter (CUSP) mission for heliophysics and Space Weather
10:24 M. Marongiu Analysis of the radius and the atmosphere of the Sun in the centimetric range with the Italian INAF radio telescopes
10:36 S. Mestici High-latitude ionospheric dynamics: a decadal analysis of Swarm satellite data
Coffee Break
11:15 M. Laurenza Heliospheric pioneer for solar and interplanetary threats
11:27 A. Milillo BepiColombo Mercury swing bys
11:39 L. Marcelli Results from the Mini-EUSO telescope on board the ISS
Premiazione Miglior Presentazione Giovani
Assemblea Generale e Risultati Elettorali – Seconda Parte
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